Soal Essay Pkn Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Welcome to our team!It is a (1) to welcome you to the staff of are excited to have you join our team, and we hope that you will (2). Working on ourwebsite.On the first Saturday of each month we.(3).a special staff lunch to welcome any new voluntary workerPlease be sure to come next week to meet all of our senior staff.Brigitte will e-mail you with further details.Ifyou have any questions during your training periodplease do not hesitate to (4) me.You can reach me at my email box.Best (5).

Ujian tengah semester dua (II/2) merupakan ujian tertulis yang diselenggarakan pada pertengahan semester. UTS Dua (II/2) ini berbeda dengan ujian tengah semester satu dalam hal bahwa UTS dua (II/2) ini mempunyai dampak yang cukup berarti bagi penentuan kenaikan kelas para peserta didik.

Dengan demikian, pada semester II ini para siswa memang dituntut untuk lebih fokus dan konsentrasi dalam belajar.Tulisan ini bermaksud membantu para siswa kelas 7 SMP/MTs dalam mempersiapkan UTS II untuk mata pelajaran (mapel) Bahasa Inggris.Adapun dalam proses membantu pembelajaran para siswa dalam mempersiapkan UTS II kelas 7 mapel Bahasa Inggris ini, contoh soal disertai pula dengan kunci jawaban. Dengan contoh soal beserta kunci jawabannya, diharapkan para peserta didik dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris dalam rangka mempersiapkan ujian tengah semester dua (II/2) ini secara efektif dan efisien.Pendekatan kurikulum yang digunakan dalam pembuatan contoh soal siap UTS II mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 ini adalah kurikulum 2013 dengan acuan buku terbaru. Dengan demikian, relevansi materi soal dengan muatan kurikulum 2013 sangatlah erat.Maka berdasarkan Hal tersbut pada artikel kali ini, saya akan menshare mengenai Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP Beserta Jawabannya, K13. Langsung saja kita menuju SSoal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP itu sendiri, dan tentunya saya juga sudah menyediakan jawabannya supaya, teman2 semua bisa lebih mudah untuk mempelajarinya.

Soal yang akan saya sajikan kali ini berupa 40 Pilihan Ganda. The following conversation is used to answer question number 1 until 5Siti: This park is shady and the flowers are colorful. (1)Lina: I do, too. (2)Edo: Look! There are butterflies.Dayu: They are. (3)Beni: There are garbage cans too. We can keep this park.

(4)Udin: I like studying here. The weather is nice.

The park is beautiful. What is the most suitable answer for question number oneA. Want to go toB. What is the most suitable answer for question number twoA. What is the most suitable answer for question number threeA. What is the most suitable answer for question number fourA.

What is the most suitable answer for question number fiveA. Your classroom is very clean; nothing is dirty and.Chandra: Thank you, Heni.What is the most suitable word to answer the fill in the blank?A. Our schoolyard is very large. Computer gamesC. Hide and seek8. Edo: The music is too loud.

Please turn the volume so that I can have more concentrationEdi: I’m sorry, Edo. I will do it then.A. Anita: Your room is too dark, Siti. May I open the.

PleaseSiti: Of course, Anita. Thank you very much.A. Marno: Adi, your house is actually so far away from the school, but you alwayscome to school.Adi: I always go to school at 6.00 a.m. That’s why I’m never late.What is the correct word to fill in the blank in Marno’s sentence?A. Rita: Ani, your couch is very comfortable.Ani: Thank you.

I love this couch too.Rita: Your couch has a lovely Ani: Yes, red is my favorite.What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?A. Dita: I’m really sorry, Fita.

Is too small. I’m afraid that it won’t be a goodplace for us to practice cooking.Fita: Oh, it is fine, Dita. It is comfortable enough for us to practice cooking.What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?A. Living roomB. Dining room13.

Deni: Tedi, your cat is very cute. It has very soft fur.Tedi: Besides cute, my cat is also. It is always fun to spare my time with my cat.From the conversation, we know that Tedi’s cat is A. FierceAt the zooDeni: Look at the elephants.

(14)Tedi: Yes they are. They are very big indeed.Siti: Guys, those are tigers. Look, they are eating meat.Rita: They can eat meat because they have very sharp. (15)Deni: They can also run very fast with their powerful. Sari: Look at Deni. He is erasing the whiteboard.Siti: I saw him bringing Mr.

Soal Essay Pkn Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya Pdf

Danish books yesterday to his office.Sari: I think Deni is kind and.What is the right word to complete Sari’s expression?A. Marno is very happy playing with the ballTedi: Yes he is. He never looks.What is the right word to complete Tedi’s expression?A.

Soal Essay Pkn Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Mirna: Do you have any pet?Rita: Yes, I do. I have a cat.Mirna: That is very nice. What.?Rita: My cat is bigger than other cats in the neighborhood. It is a Persian cat.It has grey fur and big eyes.What is the correct expression to complete Mirna’s question?A. Does it look like?B.

Does they look like?C. Do it looks like?D. Do they look like?20. Marno: Dul, your house is very big but it is.

And.Abdul: Yes, we are very concerned about it. The dirty and messy housewill make cockroaches and mice stay in our house.What will be the words in the blanks?A.

Wonderful; beautifulB. Clean; tidyC. Adorable; playfulD.

Fierce; creepy21. Udin: Have you seen my cat?Dito: No, I have not. It must be fun to have a cat in the house. I’m curiousabout you it. What.?What will be the complete expression?A. Are it like?B. Does it like?C.

Is it like?D. Do it like?22. I have bought my new bag at the traditional market.Dina: Your bag is very good. I will buy it on Sunday with my mother.Maya: Don’t go there on Sunday because the traditional market is very Dina: Thank you for telling me that. I think we will buy it on weekdays then.Maya tells Dina not to go to the market on Sunday becauseA.

The market is very niceB. The market is full with trashC. The market is not goodD. The market is crowded23. Dedi: Asep, what is wrong with you?

You look very.Asep: I am not happy with my test score. I think I have studied very hard butthe score is very disappointing.Dedi: I am really sorry to hear that.From the dialogue, we conclude that Asep is very.A. Deni: I’m very surprised about the test score. Nita was cheating when doing the test butshe gets better result than me. This is injustice.Siti: You don’t have to be worried. You are the winner when choosing the honest way.From the dialogue, we know that Deni feels very A.

Tedi: Do you know the new student in this school?Deni: Yes I do. His name is Toni.Tedi: What?Deni: He is a tall guy with curly hair.

He is a polite guy. He is from Sukabumi.What will be the complete question?A. Is he like?B. Does he like?C. Are he like?D. Is she like?In An English ClassMiss Rina: Good morning.Students: Good morning, Miss Rina.Miss Rina: Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions.

Sarno,?Sarno: My father is a lecture. He teaches in a private university.Miss Rina: What about you, Rita?Rita: My father is a. He cures someone having problem with teethusing medical treatment.26. What is the most suitable sentence to ask Sarno about his father’s job?A. Sarno, where is your father?B.

Soal Essay Pkn Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Sarno, how old is your father?C. Sarno, what does your father do?D. Sarno, where is your father?27.

From the conversation, we know that Rita’s father is likely a A. Doni: Do you know Eva?Dono: Yes I do. She is an intelligent student as far as I know.Doni: Yes, she is my neighbor.

Soal Essay Pkn Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya Answers

Studies almost every day.From the dialogue, we know that Eva. Studies almost every dayA. Doni: Do you know what animal that walks very slow?Dono: Yes. It is a.Dono will say that the animal isA.

Tono: Be careful with the bee!Anton: Why?Tono: Because itSurely, Tono will say that bee is dangerous because it.A. Rina: What do you know about cobra?Tina: Cobra is the king of snake. It is harmful animal because it.Tina will say that cobra.A.

Walk down the floorD. Run very fast32. Jono: Do you know the long time enemy of a dog?Andi: Yes I do. It must be a. An animal which is very cute with adorable fur.From the dialogue, Andi will answer.A. The following animal can be adopted as a petA.

CatThe following things are used in our daily activities. Whiteboard. Bowl.

Couch. Map. Computer34. We place the soup into a.A.

We need a smart thing to do calculation, play a virtual game, etc by usingA. To get the right direction when we do travelling, all we need is aA. Flowers are lovely.

We can use them toA. Beautify our houseD. We need it as the source of vitamin DA. Earth is the satellite of the sun. Is the satellite of planet earth.A.