Shazam Vs Shazam Encore

We’ve all been there, I’m sure. You hear an awesome song on the radio (new or old, it doesn’t matter) but you have no clue who it’s by, nor do you know the name.

  1. Shazam Music Identifier
  2. Shazam Encore For Free

But now you have to know! Too bad your friends don’t know it either. So what do you do?Well, if you are equipped with an iPhone or iPad and a good data connection, then you can find out in only a few seconds. But what’s the best app for the job?This week, I’ll be comparing the two top competitors in this space: / and (a universal app).Which app is the best way to go?

Find out in this! Shazam EncoreAt $5.99, Shazam Encore isn’t exactly cheap. Fortunately, if you prefer to try the app before you buy, there is a available with some in-app purchases to unlock all features. For those who like charitable causes, there is also, which will donate part of the proceeds to the organization, and even have exclusive features like links to and.The moment you launch the app, you’re right on the main screen, which is conveniently “Touch to Shazam.” I found the interface for Shazam to be very straightforward and easy-to-use with clearly labeled sections (My Tags, Discover, Friends, and Settings, with the Shazam button located directly in the middle for quick access).

It’s not the prettiest layout I’ve seen, but it works, and for an app like this, that’s the most important thing, right?Touching the logo button in the middle will allow the app to listen for nearby music using your iPhone’s microphone, and you can see the progress right on the screen. You can even see the spinner “dancing” to the beat of the song, which is a nice touch. The time for Shazam to listen and identify a song may vary, but it should be no more than a couple of seconds (at least three, but probably no more than 10). If it is a lesser-known song, it may take a bit longer than the new single that is played a dozen times a day on the radio.During my tests, Shazam would be able to identify music that is played at even low volumes in a noisy environment, such as Starbucks.

However, when it comes to more obscure stuff, Shazam may have a bit of a hard time with it. But for the most part, it is accurate with the songs that you will probably hear while you’re out and about.Once a match is made, you will see the song title, the artist, and album art (if applicable).


To go along with your newly identified information, Shazam provides a wealth of options for you. You can share your tag (on Shazam, Twitter, Facebook, or email), pull up YouTube videos, read the lyrics, get artist or concert and tour info, play the song in, or just delete the tag from your history (My Tags).

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Shazam Music Identifier

Additionally, there are links to view the song and album in iTunes if you want to purchase it, and you can even listen to the song again in the form of a 30 second preview.Shazam will list an “Essential Tracks” option, but it doesn’t seem to do more than just open iTunes and take you to the main music page. I was hoping to see something like a genius feature telling you what the best songs from the artist were.Of course, Shazam can be used to find new music as well, rather than just figuring out what a song is. The Discover tab allows you to view a list of the top 20 songs in the U.S. At the moment. Unfortunately, I am not sure if this can be changed to view another country, because I haven’t been able to figure it out. If anyone does find a way, please let me know.

Shazam Encore For Free

The other option in Discover is to search by keyword in title, artist, or album name.The Friends section in Shazam allows you to view what your friends have tagged. It seems that Shazam features tight integration with Facebook only, so you are only able to see activity here if you have linked up your Facebook account to it. This is a shame for those that choose to not use Facebook, because it’s a useless section.