Spacedesk On Mac With Windows

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Closed as off-topic by, ♦ Feb 13 '15 at 14:11This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:.

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Spacedesk Windows 10 Driver Download

Spacedesk expands the Windows desktop computer screen to other computers, tablets or smartphones over the local area network. In this case you see the functionality of the new Mac-App. It supports Windows Desktop Extension and Windows Desktop Duplication (mirroring, cloning).NOTE: In order to use theMac-App on your Apple device please download and install the Windows spacedesk driver for your Windows desktop computer on our homepage -User manual, documentation and setup:Need help?

Space desk on mac with windows 10

Space Desk On Mac With Windows 10

Please visit:Alternative software applications with similar functionality:Air Display (Avatron)AirParrot 2 (Squirrels)Duet DisplayExtramon (KaVoom!)iDisplay (Shape Services)MaxiVista (Bartels Media)ScreenSlider (REDFLY Celio Corp.)splashtopTwomonUSB, TwomonAir (DevGuru)VNC (Virtual Network Computing)ZoneScreen (ZoneOS)Check out for more information!