Simcity 4 Bus Stops

You have to thoughtfully analyze your traffic problem to solve it. Everything from layout, number of intersections, zoning layout (distance from R to C and I), distance to schools, distance to mass transit etc.If you really want help, post a screenshot with the zoning tool on so we can see how you placed things, along with a screenshot of bus stops, streetcars, if you have any tourist attractions, etc.Also very helpful is the Population map.
Los Angeles Metro Bus Stops

Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition Bus Stops
You can turn this on and watch in real time, the composition of your traffic congestion, where they are heading, and why to see if you need to move things around a bit to help Sims get where they are going better.Or if you weren't serious, just play SC4 and throw down a metro and bus stops lols;)PSThis is a good.
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