Best Mods For Borderlands 2

  1. Best Mods For Borderlands 2 Xbox 360
  2. Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

Best Mods For Borderlands 2 Xbox 360

Page Tools.A list of the Legendary Grenades, where they are found, and any special properties they may have.Grenades NameEnemy Dropped FromLocationSpecial PropertiesBoom BewmSouthern Shelf'2x more awesome, bonus extreme!' A second set of child grenades spawn after first set explodes.Loot MidgetsVarious'Your sister is such a bitch.' Similar to a bouncing betty grenade, but bounces horizontally. Secondary grenades are thrown with bouncing bettie effect.BollThree Horns'Forget the curveball Ricky, give him the heater.' Straight throw that bounces if it hits terrain, explodes on impact if it hits an enemy.Unknown'Bees are coming!' Deploys a four sided spinning flame spigot that throws out random flame bombs.' A skillful leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war.'

Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

Second set of child grenades with a high burn damage per second spawn after first set explodes. Leeches directly for as much health damage dealt.Ultimate Badass Varkid'E=mc^(OMG)/wtf' Pulls in enemies before causing damage before causing massive damage after explosion.WilhelmEnd of the LineThe thunder shall bring forth the pain!Element: AnyBounces like a B. After 8 bounces explodes like a MIRV.Rat Brothers Dan and RalphBloodshot StrongholdSome times lightning does strike twice.Element: ElecricityExplodes like a MIRV creating an AOE electrical field then explodes again.MortarSawtooth CauldronSpread the sickness.Element: CorrosiveExplodes like a MIRV creating 3 baby grenades that home in on enemies.Vermivouris the InvincibleAnywhere there are varkid.' Element: Slag or Shock (so far)Teleports, reappears and splits into four child grenades near enemies in front of the player.