Pokemon Battle Revolution Rom Download

Pokemon Revolution Free Download For Android

POKEMON BATTLE REVOLUTION MOD made by SoploxI only have been able to change the stages/menu music, change the pokemon sounds with their originals voices(anime) and I was hable to put the PAL's spanish voice on the NTSC one.In this release there's only the custom stages music and the pikachu sound.I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE YOU CAN CAUSE TO YOUR WII.Things you need for this to work:1. A sofmodded or hardmodded Wii (obvious)2. Pokemon Battle Revolution ISO3. The USB/SD Loader or Blanks DVD4.
Pokemon Battle Revolution Rom Download Dolphin
Wiiscrubber (invluded)How to do this:Descompress the package to a some safe place (I recomend Desktop). Open Wiiscrubber and load the PBR iso and click in Partition 1 DATANow click in soundthen sound again.