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Let's also not forget the trouble caused by the far-too-recent file dates of the BSA files coming from Steam and their disabling effect on Archive Invalidation, and as such all 'replacer'-type mods in general.But using OBMM that's a matter of a single click on 'Reset BSA timestamps' once inside the Archive Invalidation Utilities, right before applying BSA Redirection as the means for Archive Invalidation.As for the 'NMM or OBMM?' It seems even today most published Oblivion mods simply cannot be installed via the NMM, it still doesn't understand their packaging or gets confused by OMOD-ready'ness and installation scripts not meant to be interpreted by itself. That's the case for both, Steam AND retail version of Oblivion though.
In this regard there's no difference. While most Oblivion mods do work with NMM, Oblivion is much older than NMM and a lot of mods were made years before NMM came out. But I doubt that is your problem.First, Steam likes to install in the MS paranoia folder, also called 'Program files' where their overzealous UAC will try to block nearly anything that looks different from a store bought program that is registered with them as being not a virus.
That is just. To much effort. XD I used to get OBMM just fine, but it's been years since then and with Skyrim I've become used to the ease of NMM. Now I just bought the Oblivion Deluxe on the Steam Sale and indeed most mods don't work. I just can't bring up the effort to relocate my steam install as you say and reinstall everything.Can you simply use OBMM?

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Or just install Oblivion outside of the Steam/steamapps folder?EDITSpoke to early I guess I've started dabbling with the OBMM once again and it's starting to come back to me how it worked exactly. Body mods and landscape mods are now working fine when I install them through OBMM, and some mods that were working with NMM I keep using through NMM.
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So this is working for me now.One question though: OBSE. How do I install this?
I did as the readme said for a Steam install yet it instacrashes the game and even after removal it kept my game crashed.Edited by tisten, 06 June 2013 - 07:22 AM.