Angelcare Movement And Sound Monitor

  1. Angelcare Movement And Sound Monitor Reviews

This is a product review of the Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor, applicable to both the single and double under mattress pad versions. I also show how you can use two seperate Angelcare (for two children) units in your house, by having the parent monitors on two separate channels.We've used the single pad version with our older daughter who is now almost two, and have the newer double pad version for our younger daughter, currently 4 months when this video was taken.

While both versions offer the same features as far as the alarm and sound options, the additional pad underneath the mattress helps to lessen or eliminate false alarms when the baby moves too far away from the center of the crib. (A problem that we occasionally had with a medium sized baby that moved a lot in the crib with the single pad version, we have not had any false alarms with the double pad version.)I would highly recommend this baby monitor to any expecting or new parent! It has helped give us peace of mind at night, to know that we can hear a tic every time the monitor senses movement. (Movement = breathing when baby is asleep.) Please note you MUST make sure that nothing in the room will cause false movement readings (like a fan) prior to using the monitor, and always re-check the sensitivity level if you turn a fan up higher or open a window. Anything that could cause a draft or additional movement in the room.All opinions in this review are my own.

I was not paid or sponsored to do this review in any way, I just liked the Angelcare monitor so much after using it with both of our girls. That I wanted to pass along the information to other parents out there!Thanks for watching!Rate, comment, & subscribe!:)My main channel: blog: momsgotabrandnewbag.blogspot.comFind me on Facebook:

Angel Care Movement SensorSudden Infant Death Syndrome is one of the leading causes of death among infants under the age of one in the United States; one of the reasons why parents worry so much when placing their infant down for a nap. Countless parents are advised to swaddle their babies or they are advised not to place objects such as pillows and stuffed animals in the crib with the baby.


Most importantly one must put their baby to sleep on his/her back. Many parents, especially new parents, have so many things to worry about when it comes to the safety of their babies and The AngelCare Movement Sensor with Sound Monitor can considerably alleviate at least one.The AngelCare Movement Sensor with Sound Monitor is a simple device to use. How it works is, there is a hard flat plate that you place under your baby's mattress, though the crib must have a hard flat surface for it to function properly. This unit detects a baby's movements whether he/she is asleep or awake in their crib.

Angelcare Movement And Sound Monitor Reviews

If there is no movement (breathing) from the baby for 20 seconds, a signal is sent to the unit and an alarm sound goes off, alerting you to check your baby. In addition, it picks up any sounds from your baby, therefore, you do not have to purchase an additional sound unit.As a father, SIDS is one of my many worries whenever I put my son down to sleep and having a device such as this available to parents is very comforting.