Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Ventrue Build

Members of the aristocratic clan are the leaders of vampire society; their most powerful Attribute is Social, with three points to spend. Venture also get two points to spend on Mental, and only one for Physical, their weakest Attribute. For Skills, Ventrue have an advantage with their cultivated knowledge, giving them four points to spend.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Ventrue Build 1
They do not excel in Talents, three points, and are weak in Disciplines, two points.DisciplinesLeaders of vampiric society, Ventrue see themselves as nobles in the classical sense of the word. When another vampire is need of help, the Ventrue can grant it. For a price.
Vampire The Masquerade Clans
Seattle has seen many industrial booms, and in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade, have been present to take advantage of it. With immortality on their side, they have had the chance to grow their fortunes and build relationships with the biggest businesses of the 21st century. They are no stranger to doing anything that needs to be done in order to keep and grow their clan's prosperous future.When it comes to the vampire society in Bloodlines 2, the Ventrue clan is known for their untouchable statuses all throughout history. With their members being in positions such as high priests, emperers, investment bankers, and even chairman of the board, going against the Ventrue would be foolish.The strength of the Ventrue lies in their status and wisdom on how to keep it. Power is the name of the game and players that choose this clan gain access to their disciplines, secrets, and 'Thinblood Powers'.For more on other clans in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, check out associate editor Javy Gwaltney's look into.