The Most Oppressed Group Of All Gamers

Unfortunately, in the history of human life, the question begs to be asked, 'has the straight, white, mentally fit, Christian male never been oppressed?' Ever since the beginning of recorded history, we have heard about one story continuously: how it was the 'white man's burden' to educate, reform, and compel change in the 'minorities' that were 'running rampant' across lands that were meant to be in their white hands. I would argue that there is no group outside the straight, white, Christian, mentally fit male that has never felt oppression. But, for the sake of example, here are the five most notably oppressed groups in American history (with no disctinction made as to the level of oppression, because how could we possibly define one oppression as 'worse' or 'better' than another kind?) (Also, I don't mean to imply that only Americans have ever been oppressed, just for the point of this article.)1.

  1. Oppressed Populations In Us

African Americans. This was the largest portion of the American population that was kept in bondage, and even after their freedom was granted, it took 100 years before their rights as American citizens were protected. Starting in the 1600s, American colonists brought Africans to the colonies in order to serve as labor. In 1789, it was written into the constitution that African Americans would be counted in census's as three-fifths of a person. They suffered horribly in slavery, with families being separated, being whipped, and humiliated.

And even after the 13th amendment, which ended slavery, and the 14th amendment, which guaranteed rights to all American citizens, and 15, which guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race or previous condition of servitude. And yet, African Americans were still oppressed. They were denied access to establishments, couldn't mingle or share public spaces, and generally could not enjoy life as white people could. It wasn't until the civil rights package in 1965 that African Americans had protection written in law against discriminatory things like the Jim Crowe laws. Still, it took another 43 years before America would elect its first black president, Barack Obama.

The country is still home to groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which means there is still some oppression to eradicate.2. The GLBTQI community. There have been recorded examples of homosexuality since the Roman empire. It was actually a common and accepted practice, until Christianity arrived in Rome and replaced the original pagan religion. Since that time, homosexuality has been condemned, from murders during the Spanish Inquisition to murders during the Holocaust, to modern day murders of members of the glbtqi community. In the November 4, 2008 election, four states passed ballot initiatives that restricted marriage to men and woman, and in Arkansas, restricted glbtqi parents from adopting children.

Oppressed Populations In Us

The only two states that currently allow same sex marriage (as of November 2008) are Massachusetts and Connecticut. Under that same 14th amendment that failed to protect the African American community, everyone is guaranteed equal protection; however there are currently very few laws in place protecting gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, queers and intersex people, and no federal laws.3. Regardless of race or socioeconomic standing, women were denied sufferage as a group until the 19th amendment in 1920.

The fight for women's sufferage had started much earlier with first wave feminism, beginning with movements such as the Seneca Falls convention and the Declaration of the Rights of Women. After women were given the vote, however, they still were not equal to women. They began to flock to the workplace in the 1910s and 1920s due to WWI and the Roaring 20s. But once there was no longer a need for women in men's jobs, they were pushed back into the home. When the 1940s rolled around and American men were called to war, the women were called into the factories and the military desk jobs.

But when the men returned home again, they were sent back to the homes. And so it went until the 1970s and 1980s, when women finally started to go to the workplace without the push of a world war. Still, however, women are rarely in high level positions. Again in the 2008 presidential election, the first woman, Sarah Palin, was on the vice presidential Republican ticket.4. Native Americans. As the name suggests, they were the original inhabitants in the Americas. Their peaceful lives ended with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores such as Columbus and de las Casas.

They chronicled their travels across islands such as Cuba and Haiti, and the treatment of the natives there. Not only were tribes wiped out from disease, but they were murdered and enslaved by these white invaders.

Then Europeans begin to settle what became the United States. Indian tribes were pushed farther and farther west as Americans pursued their manifest destiny, and were shuffled from place to place on marches such as the Trail of Tears. Still, there are tribes that are not recognized in the United States.5. Chinese and Japanese. Though immigrants built the United States, some immigrants were eventually deemed undesirable by the predominantly white population. In 1882, the government passed the Chinese Exclusion act, barring Chinese immigrants from entering the US. This was in response to the mass immigration of Chinese nationals to the US in earlier years-immigrants the US accepted when they needed cheap laborers to build their transcontinental railroad.Japanese immigrants had it a little easier, until 1941.

On December 7, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States declared war against Japan and Germany, entering WWII. For the 'safety' of her Japanese citizens, America rounds them up and sends them to consentration camps, not entirely unlike the process that was happening in Germany under the Nazi party. While those of Japanese decent were not harmed (the government made no distinction between those who were American born or Japanese born), the fact is that the Japanese were rounded up, stripped of their rights, and made to live in communities where they could be watched by the US government.

It took nearly 50 years for the United States to issue an apology to those Americans she disrupted, and to begin issuing retribution checks to surviving family members.More groups than just those five have been discriminated and oppressed in the United States, and there are many more groups worldwide who are oppressed in the country that they call home. Excuse me but you forgot the Irish. You know the people who, only second to African Americans, faced some of the most discrimination in the History of the U.S. When they came here they had nothing and were treated like slaves anyway from 1100 till the potato famine in the early to mid-1800's when they came here. 19% of them died on the way here and when they arrived they were treated with the same discrimination and prejudice and frankly racism from all other peoples.The Irish were unskilled farm laborers who settled mostly in New York and Boston where they had no skills(because it was urban). They were not hired by many other peoples and were even turned away over African Americans for work in some areas. They were looked down upon as scum of the Earth and had no one to help them but themselves.When they lived in the South they took jobs like coal mining, and not even slaves were given those jobs because of dangerous the labor was.


The Irish were mocked for their Catholic faith and beliefs and in terrible poverty for generations.The fact that you made this list without including them in it better be because you did not know about it because if you did that is a disgusting insult to be completely honest.Not to mention the fact that in Ireland the Irish were peasant slaves to other countries for hundreds of years.In all due respect please look into this and edit your article. It would be really kind of you to include the Irish.

Big mistake number one on your list should have been Native Americans, were they not here first. I don't think any of the groups you listed live on reservations to this day if they want their culture to survive. I don't see 'blacks', African Americans, living on reservations, the government tried to exterminate Native Americans. They were buried in mass graves, where do you think adolph hitler got the idea of mass graves.

Get your history straight. Speak for someone else rather than being all about you.

I find it interesting, not only in this piece is there mention of what I call a 'Hypocritical Contradiction', but also in some of the comments and other pieces I've read. I apply that word based off what we are supposedly taught here in this country that race, gender, religion, sexual preferences, all the above, etc., etc. The Jews got it the worst during the Holocaust, but nowadays I don't think they're much oppressed anymore, with Israel being a powerful developed with many powerful allies and an extremely powerful lobby, at least in the USA. Plus, many of the greatest minds of human history have been Jewish, and intellectually they flourished during the modern era in the West (including Israel's achievements in science now) and earlier during the golden ages of the Islamic Empire. Throughout history, Kurds and Armenians (who themselves had a holocaust) have gotten it pretty bad, and nowadays the Palestinians and Tibetans are pretty oppressed. I appreciate the recognition, by many of you,identifying the plight of the Native Americans/Indigenous peoples.Still today, the most economically depressed, underpriviledged citizens of these United States are the Plains Nations, in particular the Lakota/Dakota Sioux.Generally, it wasn't until 1924 that 'Indians' were given citizenship in a land that European invaders took from them.

Gamers are the most oppressed copypasta

Another 20 years would go by before the first tribes were allowed to participate in the most precious of Americans rights, the right to vote.However, worse than all of that, was the theft of the Warrior Spirit. The Euro Invader raped the Earth Mother,and the Great Spirit seemed powerless to stop their evil. Unfortunately all the peoples from all the nations realized too late the evil, and the Euro Invaders took the Land, Poisoned the Earth Mother, and stole the Warrrior Spirit from our braves, leaving empty shells of men to roam on useless land.Fortunately some Nations, such as the Seminoles, have used the tools and greed of the whites to make thriving communities. We have a legacy of never having been beaten by the incarnation of the Christians Satan, Andrew Jackson. Other nations are trying to accomplish self-sufficiency following the template of the Seminole and Miccosukee.But is is a long road, longer than any other ethnic or special interest group.

For those who are saying that blacks are the most oppressed and discriminated against group are insane in my opinion. They have been given every advantage possible in the last half century through affirmative action, free college tuition, and countless entitlement programs.


Many standardized tests for various employment opportunities have been 'dumbed down' so that African Americans have a better chance of making the cut. To call them oppressed at this point is terribly misguided.I know that these facts are not always readily available on the net and in the media but I have found one place that has been the beacon of truth. If you care to check it out you can visit at:.

I agree with Pete but also empathize with your mistake. The united states did not leave enough healthy (let alone alive)Native Americans to make a 'loud' enough stand in the modern genocide category like the Jews have. But I do not think this is a mistake. An ideal 'defender of freedom' does not kill everyone in the house he wishes to live in.

Truly an embarrassing skeleton in the closet of the american patriot.Also i would even argue that the 'straight, white, Christian, mentally fit male' has oppressed himself simply by being the one who has not been in a 'spotlight' oppression. I would make this point on the basis that an increasing majority of other countries they (for lack of a better word) hate Americans. Who stereotypically fit the subject at hand to a T. And because Mother Nature and Father Time do a wonderful and consitent job at implementing a kind of balance.And I believe Auntzue pointed out something obvious.

Had you souly used fact I wouldn't have had to argue that Natives were treated more ruthlessly sevenfold then the blacks simply because there race is still a common sight in plenty of countries. And secondly, Women? I suppose it may be a mistake to a generation as a whole, not just you.

I mean sure; should they not be aloud to vote? Some would argue that due to Aunt flow's constant visits no, but I believe technically yes voting is OK.

But as for running for president? Back in 1912? Probably not? Would we have to stick a clause in the oath saying I swear to abstinence? Because being a mother is a huge responsibility. At times it can be very time consuming, even life threatening for the mother.

So it may be a mistake to not oppress on those grounds.Anyways. I want to thank you for the paper. It was food for thought while I drank my Coffee. Read your history. My people, german lutherans, were savagely suppressed by catholicism (hence the Reformation)until Martin Luther came along. What about Nazi Germany?

Many German Christians who refused to go along with the Nazi party were slaughtered.i met their relatives. Yes, the Blacks were the most repressed, surely, especially in the last 200 years. But before that, during the Roman Empire, Christian whites were slaughtered in great numbers. Unless of course, our history books have been that corrupted and mistaken.

Richard: I hadn't thought of that, and I agree entirely. In any society, really, the one who thinks outside the box is the one who is ostracized. Until people realize their idea is a good one, and then they are glorified for it. Normally, after the time has passed when they are actually around to get recognition.johnjones: Quite true. While I'm mighty glad to live in America, this country most definitely is not perfect. But, so long as we continue to strive for a 'more' perfect union, I think we'll do alright. However, it would do Americans well to know their own history and recognize that our oppression of each other has a long and continuous history.Wendy: One could probably take every category that one could name, and at one point they were probably oppressed.

I agree that these groups were/are in the category at some point, but they just didn't make my top 5 list. However, as I said in my 'disclaimer', I'm making no claims as to levels of oppression here, just the 5 that I could explain very well, and that I think many others would have on their top list. If we were to put together a list of everybody, ever, who was oppressed, we'd be here continually adding people to the list forever. Apparently, auntzue, you failed to read my response thoroughly.

In one of the very first paragraphs:'(Also, I don't mean to imply that only Americans have ever been oppressed, just for the point of this article.)'I stated, from the very beginning, that I was only going to address American history. I kept the title of the original prompt, but tailored the answer to what I have knowledge of and could talk about intelligently. If the title is all you can get out of this article, then I think you are missing the point. These groups don't 'appeal' to me, they are actually some of the most oppressed groups in American history. Or would you pick others?I'm also not sure what your definitions of 'fact' and 'opinions' are. But most of what I am giving as examples are in fact, facts, not opinions.

They are examples that can be found in source materials. Opinions would imply that I am making some sort of judgement.

Inherently, this article in its entirety is an opinion, but it is an opinion piece backed up by facts. If it's really necessary, I could go through and point out each and every fact I used.

I hope you'll take a second read and find them for yourself.I didn't say Rome was the first example, I just said it WAS an example; and I mentioned the Romans specifically so that I could talk about the point where homosexuality began to be regarded as unacceptable, in Rome, which was the arrival of Christianity and Christian doctrine. I could have mentioned Greece, but it would have helped my particular argument very little.Despite your negative comment, you failed to actually refute any of my arguments. Trublu, you failed to answer your own question. Your headline asks who are the 'most oppressed group of human beings in the history of humanity'.

Ignoring that question, you proceed to grind your political axe within the confines of North American history, and then, only to the groups that happen to appeal to you.BTW, your writing is filled with opinion and few facts. For example, you cite Rome as the first example of accepted gay behavior. Uh, what about ancient Greece?Contrary to the accolades from other readers, I think this is a poorly-written (high-school level) summary which is off-topic. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized.Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service.

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