Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok
Number of Followers: 0Open Access journalISSN (Print) 2338-6401 - ISSN (Online) 2338-7335Published by.Authors: Johanes C MosePages: 3 - 4PubDate: 2019-01-21DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v7i1.986.Authors: Juminten Saimin, Amalia N Azizah, Satrio WicaksonoPages: 5 - 8Abstract: Objective: To identify socio-demographic and nutritional determinant associated with birth weight in coastal areas. Method: A cross sectional study using simple random sampling method.
- Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok
- Jelaskan Keterkaitan Antara Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok
- Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok Sosial
Data of labour in coastal areas of Kendari City was analyzed. Total of 215 women who aterm delivery in Community Health Centre of Mata, Nambo and Abeli on January to December 2016 were included in this study. Birth weight was examined in association with independent variable as maternal age, education, occupation, husband’s job, parity, antenatal care, iron tablets consumption and upper arm circumference. Results: Most participants were aged 20-25 years old, primary education, as housewife, multiparity and husband work as self-employed. There was 8.9% low birth weight in coastal areas. Maternal age, education and ANC visits were significantly associated with birth weight (p 0.5 was able to significantly predict chorioamnionitis with 98.6% sensitivity and 95.2% specificity, providing better accuracy in diagnosing chorioamnionitis in preterm pregnancy group. Conclusion: LEA had a very good predictive value for chorioamnionitis with better accuracy in diagnosing chorioamnionitis in preterm pregnancy.
Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok
Keywords: Chorioamnionitis, Histopathology, Leukocyte esterase activity, Neonatal sepsis, Salafia criteria Tujuan: Membandingkan sensitifitas dan spesifisitas diagnosis korioamnionitis antara pemeriksaan Leukocyte esterase activity (LEA) terhadap histopatologi. Metode: Penelitian uji diagnostik dilakukan di RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang selama periode September 2015 – April 2016, 91 wanita hamil yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan LEA, Histopatologi dan luaran sepsis neonatorum. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 21.0 dan Med-calc statistic. Hasil: Korioamnionitis terdeteksi pada 54 (77,1%) pasien dengan usia gestasi ≥37 minggu dan 16 (22,9%) pada usia gestasi 0,5 secara signifikan mampu memprediksi kejadian korioamnionitis dengan sensitivitas 98,6%, spesifisitas 95,2% dan nilai akurasi yang lebih baik ditemukan dalam penegakan diagnosis korioamnionitis pada kelompok kehamilan preterm. Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan LEA memiliki kekuatan prediksi yang sangat baik terhadap kejadian korioamnionitis dengan akurasi yang lebih baik dalam mendiagnosis korioamnionitis pada kehamilan preterm. Kata kunci: Korioamnionitis, Histopatologi, Leukocyte Esterase Activity,Sepsis Neonatorum, Kriteria SalafiaPubDate: 2019-01-21DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v7i1.823.Authors: Anatasia M Lumentut, Junneke J Kaeng, Eddy SuparmanPages: 28 - 32Abstract: Objective: to prove the associated of serum Inhibin A levels in severe preeclampsia.
Method: this study was an observational analytic research with cross-sectional design. The subject of this study consists of 23 samples of normotensive pregnancy and 23 of samples severe preeclampsia who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.This study was conducted and evaluated fromSeptember 2016 until December 2016 at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine University of Sam Ratulangi Prof.
Jelaskan Keterkaitan Antara Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok
Kandou Hospital Manado and satellite hospitals. Samples were analyzed using ELISA method at Prodia laboratory. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 20.0 Result: Mean serum Inhibin A levels in normotensive pregnancy is 477,22pg/ml while mean in severe preeclampsiais 2712,39 pg/ml with p value = 0,000.
Conclusion: Levels of serum Inhibin A in severe preeclampsia significantly higher compared to normotensive pregnancy. Keywords: inhibin A, normotensi, severe preeclampsia Tujuan: untuk membuktikan hubungan kadar inhibin A serum pada preeclamsia berat.
Metode: penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik observasional dalam bentuk desain potong lintang. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar Inhibin A serum pada 46 sampel ibu hamil yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, terdiri atas 23 kelompok preeclamsia berat dan 23 kelompok kehamilan normotesi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dan dievaluasi sejak bulan September 2016 sampai Desember 2016 di Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi / RSU Prof. Kandou Manado dan rumah sakit jejaring. Analisis sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Prodia Jakartamenggunakan metode ELISA.
Data dianalisis denganSPSS versi 20.0. Hasil: rerata kadar Inhibin A serum pada kelompok kehamilan normotesi yaitu 477,22 pg/mlsedangkan rerata pada kelompok preeklamsia berat yaitu 271.39 pg/ml dengan nilai p=.000. Kesimpulan: kadar Inhibin A serum pada preeclampsia berat lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normotensi. Kata kunci: inhibin A, normotensi, preeclamsia beratPubDate: 2019-01-21DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v7i1.824.Authors: Andree Hartanto, John J. Wantania, Joice M.M.
SondakhPages: 33 - 38Abstract:Objective: To determine the relationship of elevated serum cortisol levels in the mother with dystocia labor Methods:this study was a prospective cohort, with mother who had dystocia labor as case group and mother with normal delivery as control group at RSUP Prof.DR.RD Kandou, and affiliation hospitals from October 2016 until March 2017. Data were analyzed With SPSS version 2.0 to see the significancy level. Results: from 32 cases, 16 cases with dysocystia labor and 16 cases with normal delivery.
Of all cases with abnormal postpartum serum cortisol levels, the most were housewives with 14 cases (70%), based on educational level, most of whom below bachelor degree were 18 cases (90%). While cases with EPDS(Edinburgh postpartum depresson scale) score ≥10, found the most patients who underwent a cesarean section as many as 11 cases (68.75%). In the Mann-Whitney statistical test, it showed that serum cortisol levels (p=0.007) and EPDS score (p=0.001) had a significant relationship for risk of postpartum blues in dystocia labor. Conclusions: there was a significant relationship between serum cortisol levels and EPDS score with risk of postpartum blues on dystocia labor. Keywords: dystocia labor, EPDS score, postpartum blues, serum cortisol level. Abstrak Tujuan: mengetahui adanya hubungan peningkatan kadar kortisol serum pada ibu dengan persalinan distosia.
Metode: penelitian ini adalah jenis kohort prospektif (cohort prospective), dengan kelompok ibu yang melahirkan dengan persalinan distosia sebagai kelompok kasusdan ibu yang melahirkan tanpa komplikasi persalinan sebagai kelompok kontrol di Bagian Kebidanan dan Kandungan Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Prof.DR.R.D Kandou, dan RS jejaring mulai Oktober 2016 sampai Maret 2017.Data dianalisa dengan SPSS versi 2.0 untuk melihat tingkat kemaknaannya. Hasil: dari 32 subjek penelitian, 16 subjek dengan persalinan distosia dan 16 subjek dengan persalinan normal. Dari seluruh subjek penelitian yang mempunyai kadar kortisol serum postpartum abnormal,berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan, paling banyak adalah ibu rumah tangga dengan 14 subjek (70%).Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan, didapatkan paling banyak adalah SD,SMP,SMA sebanyak 18 subjek (90%). Sedangkan subjek yang mempunyai skor EPDS ≥ 10, ditemukan paling banyak subjek yang menjalani prosedur bedah sesar sebanyak 11 pasien (68,75%). Dalam uji statistik Mann-Whitney, menunjukkan bahwa kadar kortisol serum.(p=0.007) dan skor EPDS (p=0.001) mempunyai hubungan yang kuat untuk terjadinya postpartum blues pada persalinan distosia. Kesimpulan: terdapat hubungan bermakna kadar kortisol serum dan skor EPDS dengan postpartum blues pada persalinan distosia. Kata kunci: kadar kortisol serum, persalinan distosia, postpartum blues, skor EPDS.PubDate: 2019-01-21DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v7i1.827.Authors: Robby P.
Sulbahri, Azhari Azhari, Firmansyah Basir, Theodorus TheodorusPages: 39 - 44Abstract: Objective: to assess the relationship of the role of counselor, knowledge, trust, values, and social relationship regarding acceptors’ decision in using intrauterine device at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang. Method: An observational analytical cross-sectional research carried out on June 2017 until September 2017 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital. 40 subjects were included. The frequency and distribution data were described in table form, bivariate analysis was performed to assess the relationship between independent and dependent variables statistically using Chi-square/Fisher Exact test.
Multivariate analysis using logistic regression test was performed to assess which independent variable affects acceptors’ decision the most. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 version. Results: There were no statistically differences in age, duration of marriage, parity, number of children born alive, abortion, education, and jobs between the two groups (p0.05).
Meanwhile, the logistic regression analysis showed that the role of counselor significantly affects contraception acceptors’ decision (PR=108.989, p value=0.002). Concluson: The role of counselor is a factor that affects contraception acceptors’ decision in using IUD. Keywords: IUD, role of counselor, social relationship, trust, values, knowledge Abstrak Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor peran konselor, pengetahuan, kepercayaan, nilai, dan kekerabatan terhadap keputusan akseptor KB untuk menggunakan alat kontrasepsi IUD di Rumah Sakit Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional rancangan cross sectional ini dilakukan di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Rumah Sakit Dr. Mohammad Hoesin/Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang sejak bulan Juni sampai September 2017.
Didapatkan sampel sebanyak 40 wanita melahirkan memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Frekuensi dan distribusi data dijelaskan dalam bentuk tabel, analisa bivariat untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan secara statistik antara variabel bebas dan dengan variabel terikat menggunakan uji Chi Square/Fisher Exact dan analisis multivariat untuk mengetahui variabel independen mana yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap keputusan akseptor KB untuk menggunakan alat kontrasepsi IUD menggunakan uji Regresi Logistik.
Pendidikan Dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok Sosial
Analisa data menggunakan SPSS versi 18.0. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pasien baik usia, lama pernikahan, paritas, jumlah anak hidup, abortus, pendidikan dan pekerjaan antara kedua kelompok (p 0,05). Pada analisis regresi logistik didapatkan hasil peran konselor berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan akseptor KB IUD (PR = 108,989, p value = 0,002). Keimpulan: Peran konselor merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan akseptor KB untuk menggunakan alat kontrasepsi IUD.
Kata Kunci: IUD, Peran Konselor, Kekerabatan, Kepercayaan Nilai, Pengetahuan.PubDate: 2019-01-21DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v7i1.828.Authors: Rajuddin Rajuddin, Fauzan FauzanPages: 45 - 48Abstract: Objective:to determine acceptance of family planning acceptors from age, numbers ofparity, mother education, spouse’s support, mother's culture and religion, maternalknowledge, gestational age, family income and number of living children to the IUD usage interest in dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh. Method: This research wasa correlative design with analytical survey method with cross sectional approach.
286 respondents were interviewed and filled out a questionnaire that has been prepared, consist ofpatients in the clinic, Emergency Unit, and Delivery Room Hospital RSUDZA Banda Aceh. The data taken related tofactors influencing the acceptance of the family planning acceptors against the IUD usage interests. This study was conducted duringSeptember 18 th to October 18 th 2017. Results: The chi-square test result showed that there was a significant correlation between family planning acceptor from previous pregnancy distance and IUD usageinterest in RSUDZA Banda Aceh where p-value (0.088).