How Do You Make Your Contacts Not Visible Then Visible

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How do you make your contacts not visible then visible lyrics

How Do You Make Your Contacts Not Visible Then Visible Back

I'm using Adnroid dev to import cloud-based contacts into my application. The import runs fine, when I access contracts2.db in the emulator all contacts are there and rawcontacts, data and contacts tables seem to be properly populated. Here's a puzzler:. Newly imported contacts are not visible in the emulator. In fact when I click on 'Contacts' it gives me message that You don't have any contacts to display. When I run the same import on my N1 phone I can only see imported info on pre-existing, matching contacts. If the contact is truly brand new it's not appearing in the contacts list.

If I manually add a contact and then run import then the information from my import gets merged into the manual contact by the same name (merged OK). How to install huds tf2. If I run import and then add contact manually this contact will not contain cloud-based info (no merge)That makes me think that somehow sync between contacts and raw contacts is broken or mangled yet in contacts table I see id, namerawcontactid and lookup columns clearly populatedNote: I found very similar but unfortunately it has no answer.